Thursday, December 8, 2016

Conversation with a Person Who Was in Åsmund Skuterud(Koèju, Jazz in Khartoum)'s Party

This post is to clarify the improper reaction from Åsmund Skuterud's party. I decided to share the conversation with the person since it can show clearly why the person is related to Åsmund Skuterud and it is nothing to do with the person's privacy.

The conversation with the individual who is related with Åsmund Skuterud can be divided into three parts.

Part 1: The conversation on November 26, 2016. The interviewer could get basic information about the individual and also provided some parts of evidence that can support the writings in this blog. Based on Truth-Default Theory (Levine, 2014), the interviewer basically assumed that the individual tells truth and focused on the contextual content, until this moment.

[Basic Data of the interviewee from the part 1]: Vietnamese, Female, She met Åsmund Skuterud "twice" in Oslo, Norway and Bangkok, Thailand.

Part 2: The conversation on November 27, 2016. The interviewee showed a radical change in her attitude and also mentioned the information that cannot be found in our conversation nor in this blog. This implies clearly an intervention of Åsmund Skuterud(Koèju). Also the series of trigger events in the same conversation leaded the interviewer to the abandonment of TD(Truth Default) state.

The owner of this blog published about the conversation and replied to the individual,
"Hello, you mentioned the things I didn't tell you in our conversation. That's why I think that you are his party. And the two updated information is taken because of the same reason. Best regards."

Part 3: The individual tried to excuse herself during the period December 1-5, 2016, focusing on unimportant details. The person sent 33 messages for 4 days(December 1 and 3-5)

On December 4 (Sun), the person blocked our Facebook page not to receive any reply.

1. Contextual Analysis

According to the information that the interviewee provided in our conversation, the individual is a Vietnamese girl who met  Åsmund Skuterud(Koèju) twice. However, some trigger events to abandon the TD state are observed considering her basic personal information.

List of the trigger events:
(1) Asking too much information that is not directly related to the person
(2) Manipulative speech, Repetition and Emphasis (*ex. the classical statement of the narcissist's flying monkey "there are two sides of the story." without showing any evidence.)
(3) Mentioning the not given information (*The interviewer didn't mention that the person who contacted was a musician and she was not.)
(4) Radical change in her attitude with "the silent treatment"
(5) Unnecessary long excuse

2. Linguistic Analysis (Minor part)

(1) "Non-contracted denial" is one of classical hot spots in lie detection, like in the Bill Clinton's Lewinsky scandal (Solomon & Theiss, 2012). The individual used it 7 times:
"I did not angry coz we were just friend", "I am not", "I am not  Åsmund negotiator", "sorry , I did not sleep with him", "I did not even know who cello girl was.", "I don't know and do not give any care about what happened between you and  Åsmund." and "We had never had any dates.".

(2) "Illeism" can be considered to distance herself from the situation. In part 2, the individual said, "You don't believe her but use information from her for evidence."

3. Circumstantial Evidence

(1) Being prepared before contacting our Facebook page
(2) Contacting time and Simultaneous access with Åsmund Skuterud (Koèju)
(3) Reactions of Asmund Skuterud and his coworker Simon Matthew Valentine:
 - Hiding all the information he had on Facebook temporarily, deleting the Koeju Instagram and the posts on his private Instagram account (@asmundskuterud)
 - Putting his relationship status as "single" on Facebook (Simon Matthew Valentine)
(4) The individual agreed with the interpretation on the post in Google Plus in April 2017 (Later, she withdrew her 'like' not expose to her identity):


Levine, T. R. (2014). Truth-Default Theory (TDT) A Theory of Human Deception and Deception Detection. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 33(4), 378-392.
Solomon, D., & Theiss, J. (2012). Interpersonal Communication: Putting Theory into Practice. Routledge.

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